This question is only asked if you did not answer “No” for sexual harassment
How often have you experienced the behaviour(s)?. No, I have not experienced any of the above behaviours. Any other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Inappropriate staring or leering that made me feel intimidated. Sexually explicit posts or messages on social media (including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram etc.).
Sexually explicit pictures, posters or gifts that made me feel offended.
Request or pressure for sex or other sexual act. Repeated or inappropriate advances on email, social networking websites or internet chat rooms by a work colleague. Sexual gestures, indecent exposure or inappropriate display of the body. Repeated or inappropriate invitations to go out on dates. Inappropriate physical contact (including momentary or brief physical contact). Unwelcome touching, hugging, cornering or kissing. Intrusive questions about my private life or comments about my physical appearance. Sexually suggestive comments or jokes that made me feel offended (in either a group or one on one situation). I didn’t need to because I no longer had contact with the person(s) who discriminated against me. I didn’t need to because I made the discrimination stop. This question is only asked if you answered “Submitted a formal complaint” for “Did you tell anyone about the discrimination?” Options This question is only asked if you answered “Yes” for discrimination Were you satisfied with the way your formal complaint was handled?. I didn’t feel safe to report the incident. I thought the complaint process would be embarrassing or difficult. I didn’t need to because I no longer had contact with the person(s) who bullied me. I didn’t need to because I made the bullying stop. I believed there would be negative consequences for the person I was going to complain about. opportunities for promotion, risk of being fired) I believed there would be negative consequences for my career (e.g. that I would be blamed or not believed or thought to be overreacting) I believed there would be negative consequences for my reputation (e.g. I didn’t think it would make a difference.
This question is only asked if you answered “Submitted a formal complaint” for “Did you tell anyone about the bullying?” Options This question is only asked if you answered “Yes” for bullying